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PostHeaderIcon Se Desmembra DIMMU BORGIR

-Los blackers noruegos DIMMU BORGIR se han desmembrado.
El bajista y encargado de las voces limpias Vortex y el teclista Mustis han abandonado la banda, y mientras que el primero aún no se ha pronunciado, el segundo ha declarado que no estaba de acuerdo con como había registrado el grupo algunas composiciones suyas en lo que a materia de derechos se refiere. El músico declara que gran parte de los discos 'Puritanical Euphoric Misanthropia' e 'In Sorte Diaobli' ha sido compuesta por él, añadiendo que aunque ha intentado resolver el problema de una forma razonable, la única respuesta que ha recibido ha sido su expulsión del grupo mediante un mensaje de texto.
Concluye su comunicado diciendo que esta dispusta ha durado ya muchos años, avisando que el asunto ya está en manos de abogados y preparado para ir a los tribunales.
El comunicado completo en su
Los restantes miembros que todavía permanecen bajo el nombre de DIMMU BORGIR, el cantante Shagrath y los guitarristas Erkekjetter Silenoz y Galder, solo han declarado que la fuerza creativa de la banda sigue intacta, anticipando que comenzarán a trabajar en un próximo disco en breve.

-"The Norwegians Dimmu Borgir Blackers been dismembered. Bassist and charged with clean vocals and keyboardist Vortex Mustis have left the band, and while the former has not yet been pronounced, the second has stated that he disagreed with how the group had recorded some of his compositions as to respect rights. The musician says that much of the disks 'Puritanical Euphoric Misanthropia' and 'In Sorte Diaobli' has been composed by him, adding that although he has tried to solve the problem in a reasonable way, the only response he received was his expulsion from the group through a text message. He concludes his statement saying that dispusta has lasted many years, advising that the matter is now in the hands of lawyers and prepared to go to court. The full statement on their MySpace. The other members who are still under the name of Dimmu Borgir, singer and guitarist Shagrath and Galder Erkekjetter Silenoz only have stated that the creative force of the band remains intact in anticipation of commencing work on an upcoming album soon.

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